Doctor's Resume
Dr. John M Pitman III
John Mathews Pitman, III, M.D. F.A.C.S.
1975-80 B.A. (Biology/Psychology) Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
1981-83 M.A. (Biology) College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia
1983-87 M.D. University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Postgraduate Training:
1987-88 Internship, General Surgery University of Colorado
1988-90 Resident, General Surgery University of Colorado
1990-92 Burn Fellow University of Colorado
1992-94 Plastic Surgery Resident Northwestern University
1994-95 Clinical Instructor in Plastic Surgery Northwestern University
1994-1995 Chief Resident Shriners Hospital Chicago, Illinois
Military Service:
1989 United States Army Ready Reserve Medical Corps
1991 Completion of Basic Officer Course
1993 Promotion to rank of Major
2003 Promotion to rank of Lieutenant Colonel
2004 Awarded Army Commendation Medal for Service in Treatment Enduring Freedom.
Denver, Colorado
2006 Awarded Army Commendation Medal for Service in Treatment Enduring Freedom.
Denver, Colorado
2009 Awarded Army Commendation Medal for Service in Treatment
Health Sciences Center
Denver, Colorado
Chief Resident Plastic Surgery Chicago, Illinois
Rank: Captain
of Injured Soldiers from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
of Injured Soldiers from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
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of Haitian Nationals during UN mission to Haiti with multiservice NATO
2009 Promoted to rank of Colonel
2011 Medical commander for final earthquake relief mission to Haiti.
2015 Awarded Combat Action Badge and Purple Heart for action in Logar
Province Afghanistan for Operation Resolute Support/Operation Enduring
1987 Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners
1990 Colorado (License #30466) (Inactive)
1990 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (Renewed 2014)
1990 Basic Life Support (Renewed 2015)
1992 Illinois (License #036-083704)
1992 Indiana (License #01039881) (Inactive)
1995 Virginia (License #0101052484)
1998 Diplomat, American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
2006 Recertification, American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
Regional Committee Assignments:
1995-96 Trauma Committee, Williamsburg Community Hospital
1996-98 Surgical Management Committee, Mary Immaculate Hospital
1996-2000 Trauma Management Committee, Riverside Regional Medical
2001- 2004 Medical Records Committee, Riverside Regional Medical Center
National Committee Assignments:
2003-2005 Emerging Technologies/Computers. Scientific Program
2003-2008 Grants/Awards Review Committee. Plastic Surgery Educational
Committee. American Society of Plastic Surgeons
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2005-2009 Reconstructive Surgery. Scientific Program Committee.
2004-2012 Managed Care/Reimbursement. American Association of
2008-2012 Standards Committee. American Association of
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
Committee Chair
Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
2009-2012 Electronic Media Committee American Society of Aesthetic Plastic
Hospital Affiliations:
Williamsburg Community Hospital Williamsburg, VA
Riverside Regional Medical Center Newport News, VA
Mary Immaculate Hospital Newport News, VA
Sentara Hampton General Hampton, VA
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, DC
Kimbrough Ambulatory Surgery Center Fort Meade, MD
Professional Affiliations:
1987 American Medical Association
1992 American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
1996 Member Kiwanis International
1997 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
1998 Diplomat, American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
1999 Fellow, American College of Surgeons
2004 Military Officers Association of America
2009 American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Honors and Awards:
1979 Dean’s List (Northwestern University)
1980 Dean’s List (Northwestern University)
1981 Full Stipend Awarded at the College of William and Mary
1990 Carl A. Moyer Award (for best paper submitted to the 23rd Annual
Meeting of the American Burn Association)
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1991-92 John Gremlich Traveling Surgical Scholar Award (for the best
1992 Ben Eisman Surgical Resident Research Award (for the best basic science
National presentation by a resident at the University of Colorado
Department of Surgery.
Paper published by a resident in the University of Colorado
Department of Surgery.
2004 Army Commendation Medal
2006 Army Commendation Medal
2008 Army Commendation Medal
2004-Present Listed in “Guide to America’s Top Physicians.” Consumer Research
2005-Present Listed in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons.” Consumer Research
2006-Present Listed in “Guide to America’s Top Plastic Surgeons.” Consumer Research
2015 Combat Action Badge
Purple Heart
Academic Appointments
1981 Graduate Teaching Assistant College of William and Mary
1983 Assistant Investigator Department of Cardiothoracic
1997 Instructor in Surgery Walter Reed Army Medical Center
2000 Preceptor in Surgery Eastern Virginia Medical School
2008 Professor of Surgery Riverside Hospital
Williamsburg, Virginia
Surgery, Cornell University
Medical College
New York, New York
Washington, DC
Department of Surgery
Norfolk, VA
Department of Surgery
Newport News, VA
National Presentations:
October 1980 “Cells Derived from the Lizard Anolis Carolinensis Do Not
Exhibit in Vitro Senescence.” JM Pitman, SD Simpson PhD.
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Presented at the American Society of Cell Biologists Meeting,
Anaheim California.
September 1983 “Hypothyroidism in Reproductively Inhibited Prairie Deermice
(Peromyscus Maniculatus Bairdi).” Masters Thesis Defense,
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
October 1986 “Exposure to Growth Factors Depresses Prostacyclin Synthesis by
Human Endothelial Cells.” BB Weksler, MD, DD Moy, MA,
JM Pitman, MD, K Tack-Goldman, MA. Presented at the 43rd
Annual Meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research
Washington, DC
November 1987 “Vena Caval Involvement with Renal Tumors: Surgical
Considerations.” Curtis G. Tribble, MD, Todd M. Gherkin, MD,
Terry Flanagen, MS, John M. Pitman, III, MD and Irving Kron, MD.
Presented at the 34th Annal Meeting of the Southern
Thoracic Surgical Association. Boca Raton, Florida.
April 1989 “Breast Cancer in Patients Under 35.” 1989 Meeting of the
Colorado Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
January 1990 “Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis; Conservative Management.”
Horizons in Surgery. March 1990 Breckenridge, Colorado.
September 1990 “Health Care Should not be Rationed.” Horizons in Surgery.
March 1990 Breckenridge, Colorado.
February 1991 “Platelet Activating Factor Amplifies Cardiac Beta-Adrenergic
Stimulation Providing a Mechanism for Hyperdynamic Sepsis.”
DB Bensard, MD; BO Anderson, MD; DW Nelson, MD;
JM Pitman III, MD; A Banerjee, PhD; AH Harken, MD. 52ND Annual
Meeting of the Society of University Surgeons. Galveston, Texas.
April 1991 “WEB2170, a Specific PAF Antagonist, Attenuates Neutrophil
Priming by Human Serum Following Clinical Burn Injury.
JM Pitman III, MD; GW Thurman, BS; BO Anderson, MD;
LL Ketch, MD; CE Hartford, MD; AH Harken, MD; and Dr.
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Ambruso, MD. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Burn
Association. Baltimore, Maryland.
October 1991 “Platelet Activating factor may Mediate Neutrophil Priming
Following Clinical Burn or Blunt Trauma.” JM Pitman III, MD;
GW Thurman, BS; BO Anderson, MD; RS Pogetti, MD; DW
Nelson, MD; CE Hartford, MD; VM Peterson, MD; LL Ketch,
MD; LL Ketch, MD; EE Moore, MD; AH Harken, MD; and
Dr. Ambruso, MD. 77TH Clinical Congress of the American College of
Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois.
Selected for Discussion in 2 chapters in “What’s New in Surgery,
1992.” The Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons, January 1992.
November 1991 “Characterization of the Humoral Environment Conferring
Susceptibility to Lung Injury Following Clinical Burn.” JM Pitman III, MD;
DJ May, MD; DB Bensard, MD; KL Clay, PhD; CE Hartford, MD LL Ketch,
MD; and Dr. Ambruso MD. 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Academic Surgery.
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
December 1991 “Breast Cancer in Young Women.” JM Pitman III, Capt.
USARR; MA Savarese MD; JM Murphy, PhD; CM Abernathy,
MD and GE Moore, MD PhD.
1. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the San Antonio Breast
Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, Texas
2. Featured in an article in OB/GYN News, March 1, 1992 edition
December 1991 “Plasma from Stored Wole Blood (WB) and Packed Red Blood
Cells (PRBCs) Primes the Neutrophil Oxidase. C Silliman,
MD PhD; G Thurman, BS; JM Pitman III, MD and D Ambruso, MD.
Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of The American Society of
Hematology, Denver, Colorado.
February 1992 “Phospholipase A2 Inhibition Decouples Lung Injury from Gut
Ischemia/Reperfusion.” K Koike, MD; EE Moore, MD; FA Moore,
MD; RS Pogetti, MD; JM Pitman III, MD; VS Carl, MD;
A Benerjee, PhD. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the
Society for University Surgeons.
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April 1992 “Platelet Activating Factor is Produced Following Clinical Burn
And Prolonged Exposure Decreases Neutrophil Superoxide
Generation in Response to FMLP. JM Pitman III, MD;
CR Silliman, MD; VM Peterson, MD; LL Ketch, MD;
CE Hartford, MD; and DR Ambruso, MD. 24th Annual Meeting
Of The American Burn Association. Salt Lake City, Utah.
May 1992 “Accumulation of Platelet Activating Factor During Free Tissue
Transfer Primes Neutrophil Superoxide Anion Production.”
JM Pitman III, MD; DR Ambruso, MD; CK Law, MD; and LL Ketch, MD.
37TH Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council
Toronto Canada
October 1992 “Generation of Platelet Activating Factor During Free Tissue
Transfer Primes Neutrophil Superoxide Anion Production.”
JM Pitman III, MD; DR Ambruso, MD; CK Law, MD; and LL Ketch,
MD. 78th Clinical Congress of the American College
Of Surgeons; New Orleans, Louisiana
April 1993 “Platelet Activating Factor Acetylhydrolase is Decreased During
Free Tissue Transfer in Humans and may Increase Susceptibility
To Reperfusion Injury.” JM Pitman III, MD., KL Clay, PhD; DR Ambruso
MD; MJV Gordon, MD; CK Law, MD; CA Johnson, MD and LL Ketch,
MD. 38th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council
Houston, Texas
“PAF Receptor Blockade Increases Skin Flap Survival Subsequent
To Ischemia Reperfusion.” GD Urban, MD; JM Pitman III, MD;
And LL Ketch, MD. 38th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery
Council, Houston, Texas.
Selected for Discussion in “What’s New in Surgery, 1993.”
The Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons, January 1993
April 1995 “Outcomes of Nasal Dorsal Grafts; a 25 year Retrospective.”
JM Pitman III, MD; PW McKinney, MD; G Dayal BS. Presented at
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Senior Residents
Conference. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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September 2005 “The Iraqi Experience: The Plastic Surgery Contribution to Modern
War Injuries.” WH Merritt MD, V Bingingnavele MD, D Booth RN,
AC Friedman MD, JM Pitman III, MD LTC. Presented at the
74th Annual meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Plastic Surgery. Chicago, Illinois.
National Panel Participation:
2007 Congressionally Directed Medical Research Panel, Washington D.C.
Grant Review and Selection Committee for War Wounded Care.
2008 Congressionally Directed Medical Research Panel, Washington D.C.
Grant Review and Selection Committee for War Wounded Care.
2008-2010 ASPS/ASPN Patient Safety ad hoc committee on Deep Venous
Thrombosis/ Pulmonary Embolism. Results presented at 2010 ASPS
Annual Meeting
National Courses:
2006-2012 “American Association of Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
Inspector Training Course.” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual
Fall Meeting.
2006-2012 “American Association of Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
Inspector Training Course.” American Society of Aesthetic Plastic
Surgeons Annual Meeting
2008 “OR Safety, The Gold Standard” American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Annual Fall Meeting. JM Pitman III MD, M McGuire MD, Gary
Brownstein, MD.
September 1990 “A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Trial of Leucomax
(Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor;
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Recombinant E. coli) in Patients with Major Burns.”
Sandoz Grang CSF 39300 Study #E231 BB-IND 3201.
Co investigator with DR Ambruso, MD; LL Ketch, MD: VM Peterson, MD
April 1990 “Acquired Defects in Function and Biochemistry of Neutrophils
From patients with Thermal Injury.” International Association of
Fire Fighters Burn Foundation Grant #25-33661. Principle
Investigator John M. Pitman III, MD with DR. Ambruso, MD
And VM Peterson, MD as co-investigators.
April 1991 International Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation Grant
#25-33661 renewed.
July 1992 “The Role of Platelet Activating Factor in Initiating Free Flap
Failure” Plastic Surgery Education Foundation Grant funded for
For 7/29-7/93
July 1993 “Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule Expression by Endothelial Cells
During Hypoxia.” Plastic Surgery Education Foundation Grant
Funded for 7/93-7/94.
Book Chapters:
“Wound Infection and Wound Dehiscence.” JM Pitman MD and
Ben Eisman, MD. In Surgical Secrets, Charles Abernathy, Brett
Abernathy, and AH Harken, Eds. 2nd Edition. CV Mosby and Co.,
St. Louis, Missouri. 1991
Published Abstracts:
1. “Exposure to Growth Factors Depresses Prostacyclin Synthesis by Human
Endothelial Cells.” Clinical Reasearch: 34 #2,665A (1986). BB Weksler MD,
D. Moy, J. Pitman III, and K-Tack-Goldman.
2. “Plasma from Stored Whole Blood (WB) and Packed Red Blood Cells(PRBCs)
Primes the Neutropil Oxidase. C. Silliman, MD PhD; G Thurman, BS: JM Pitman
MD and D Ambruso, MD. Blood. 78(10) Supp. 1. P388a. November 15, 1991.
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3. “The Neutrophil (PMN) oxidase is Primed by Plasma from Stored Platelets”
C Silliman MD PhD; G Thurman, BS; J Pitman III, MD and D Ambruso, MD.
Blood. 78(10) Supp. 1.p435a. November 15, 1991
4. “Deficient Neutrophil (PMN) NADPH:O2 oxidoreductase in Patients following
Major Torso Trauma.” JM Pitman III, MD; J Rosenthal, MD; EE Moore, MD;
C Silliman, MD, PhD; E 78(10) Supp.1. p434a. November 15, 1991
1. Hypothyroidism in Reproductively Inhibited Prairie Deer Mice (Peromyscus
Maniculatus Bairdi) from Laboratory Populations.” Biology of Reproduction:
31,895-904 (1984), JM Pitman and EL Bradley.
2. “Vena Caval Involvement with Renal Tumors: Surgical Considerations.”
Annals of Thoracic Surgery ,46#1,36-40; 1988. Curtis G. Tribble, MD,
Todd M. Gherkin, MD; Terry Flanagen, MS; John M. Pitman III, MD; and
Irving L. Kron, MD.
Selected for review in Current Surgery¸ 46#2, 170-1, 1989.
3. “Neutrophil Medicated Lung Injury is a Platelet Activating Factor Dependent
Process.” BO Anderson, MD; DB Bensard, MD; JM Pitman III, MD; DT
Nelson MD; AS Banerjee, MD; AH Harken, MD. Journal of Surgical Research. 50 (5), 001-
5 March 1991.
4. “WEB2170, a Specific PAF Antagonist, Attenuates Neutrophil Priming by Human Serum
Following Clinical Burn Injury. JM Pitman III, MD; GW T BS; BO Anderson,MD; LL Ketch,
MD; CE Hartford, MD: AH Harken, MD; and DR Ambruso, MD. Journal of Burn Care and
Rehabilitation. 12 (5) 411-19.
5. “Assessment of Induced Cardiac Antioxidant Defenses Against Endogenous And
Exogenous Challenge.” DW Nelson, MD; A Banerjee, MD; JM Brown, MD; DB Bensard,
MD; BO Anderson, MD; JM Pitman III, MD; CR Lockee- Winter, BS; CB Winter, MD; and
AH Harken, MD. Journal of molecular and Cellular Cardiology. In Press.
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6. “Platelet activating Factor may Mediate Neutrophil Priming Following Clinical Burn or
Blunt Trauma.” JM Pitman III, MD; GW Thurman, BS; BO Anderson, MD; RS Pogetti, MD;
DW Nelson, MD; CE Hartford, MD; VM Peterson, MD; LL Ketch, MD, EE Moore, MD; AH
Harken MD; and DR. Ambruso, MD. Surgical Forum. 17(1991) pp108-10.
7. “Generation of Platelet Activating Factor During Free Tissue Transfer for Primes
Neutrophil Superoxide Anion Production.” JM Pitman III, MD; Dr. Ambruso, MD; CK
Law, MD; and LL Ketch, MD. Surgical Forum. Vol 18. pp 110-111
8. Phospholipase A2 Inhibition Decouples Lung Injury from Gut Ischemia/ Reperfusion.
Kauro Koike, MD; EE Moore MD; FA Moore, MD; VS Carl, MS; JM Pitman, MD; A
Banerjee PhD. Surgery in Press.
9. “Response to CMS Code Changes Affecting Reimbursement.” Phil Haeck, MD; John M.
Pitman III MD FACS: The AAAASF Source. Winter/Spring 2005. Pp 10-11.